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Friday, April 22, 2011

Book about Cats...

I just finished reading a book about cats.  One of the main themes running through the book was that one should not cage a cat in the house and you must allow the cat to roam free outside, even if it ends in them getting run over by a car.
Now, I have a cat.. I hate to say that I own a cat.. because I really don't think that any of us own any living thing that we have.  But he is my cat, and I would hate to see that after I let him out, a month, a year or even 20 years later, he is run over by a car.  That would just kill me as well.
Well, the author went on to say that cats have free spirits and that one should never hold a cat indoors... that there should be a cat door through which the cat can enter and leave at their own whim and free will.  He said that cats have a curious nature and to keep them indoors is a sin.  That anyone who keeps a cat at home, and does not allow it to go out is violating its rights.
I beg to differ.  I think that if we all lived on farm land and had hardly any roads around us, and less traffic, etc.. less technology per se.. then we could very well leave our cats out to roam freely, with less of a chance that the cat will get run over by a truck or a car.  However, in the world we live in, even in the smallest of towns, we have neighbors around us.. most of us anyway, who don't own farms.. and roads and an increasing number of cars, which seems to grow each year.. In fact, each person per household seems to own a car!  Insane!
I would rather see my cat alive and having a less than ideal life, but a fun and comfortable life, than a cat who most likely will be killed.

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